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  • Blue Shore(蔚蓝海岸) 日期:2015-09-02 12:12:51 点击:1581 好评:11

    Dream burst in the air 梦想在空中破灭 Everything was spinning out of control 万物皆狂,螺旋而转 Ijust cannot find you out 在...

  • MacDonald and His Daughter (Chapter 2) 日期:2015-04-14 15:13:09 点击:2400 好评:3

    Mr. MacDonaldandHisDaughter(Chapter2) Bysushouxianxian Chapter2YouCantMissIt ThenextdayMacDonaldandhisdaughterdecidedtostayf...

  • Mr. MacDonald and His Daughter (Chapter 1) 日期:2015-04-14 15:00:03 点击:1516 好评:0

    Mr.MacDonaldandHisDaughter(Chapter1) Bysushouxianxian Chapter1Youregettingworsethanme. Mr.MacDonaldlookslikeawell-educatedma...

  • Spirit in the Sky灵魂在天空游走 日期:2015-03-26 21:37:07 点击:3703 好评:17

    Spirit in the Sky by Linda Casper The mourners dispersed from the graveside in groups of twos and threes. They paused to pay...

  • A Paper Fan 纸扇 日期:2015-03-26 21:29:59 点击:1462 好评:11

    A Paper Fan by Bernie Brown I stared at the computer screen, the recipe for blueberry cobbler staring back at me as my daugh...

  • When I grow up I become you 日期:2015-02-11 20:21:59 点击:1747 好评:5

    When I grow up, I become you By sushouxianxian When I see you give your money to persons who have nothing, I want to make it....

  • The Cats of Roma 罗马印象 日期:2014-11-03 21:15:48 点击:1621 好评:6

    The Cats of Roma by R. Bremner My most enduring memory of Roma is of an occurrence on a cold November afternoon in the littl...

  • In Springtime 春天 日期:2014-10-27 21:13:49 点击:2210 好评:8

    In Springtime By Nancy Christie Each spring the urge to plant somethinga flower or vegetable or anything that would blossom...

  • 希望天堂的你能听到我的呼唤 日期:2014-10-10 16:25:58 点击:1402 好评:8


  • Born to Win 日期:2014-08-18 18:48:06 点击:1550 好评:3


  • 《家乡的素粽》


  • The Spring

    We were waiting for each other but we were missing each other. ...

  • 《FIFA 18》终极防守教学视频 全防守技巧讲解

    《FIFA 18》已经正式发售,新手玩家想要成为高手首先要学习的就是如何防守。防守有哪...

  • 一直手牵着手


  • 乡村疼爱的秋庄稼

    文/于文华 乡村离不了庄稼的支撑。庄稼逃不脱乡村的呵护主仆俩个相扶相携,相依为命,...

  • 倔强秋雨
