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  • First sight of Beijing 日期:2014-08-05 17:11:42 点击:1336 好评:1

    On September 6th, 1995, I stayed one night in Beijing when I went to the North alone starting my university time. It's my first time to Beijing, also the first time leaving the small town of my home. The impression was really good at this first sight...

  • 英文版《珍惜眼泪》 日期:2014-02-22 03:22:03 点击:3445 好评:-7

    happy Their tears will flow out very sweet sad Their tears will flow out bitter The prize Their tears will flow out bitter W...

  • Memory 日期:2014-01-30 11:35:34 点击:1760 好评:15

    Twilight as gold stranded in the music space Meniscus as boat transition does not go wisp miss My eyes through the layers of...

  • growing up is a sadness 日期:2013-10-06 12:51:45 点击:3146 好评:19

    growing up is like what butterflies get from struggelling out of its cocoons someone burst into our life while someone leave...

  • 风帆劲起勇跨越 蓄势待发正当时 日期:2013-09-26 22:47:02 点击:3280 好评:6

    风帆劲起勇跨越蓄势待发正当时 江苏省建湖高新技术经济区加快转型升级、跨域发展纪实 建湖,一片神奇的热土。 无论岁月蹉跎、沧海桑...

  • War killing enclosures 日期:2013-09-26 18:48:45 点击:1274 好评:3

    Bloodyyearsofwar! Idon'twanttolookthatwentbacktothepeace-lovingpeople,thiswar Killingthefence,weshouldsay. - Memoryofthepast...

  • 乡村疼爱的秋庄稼 日期:2013-09-16 15:15:47 点击:4061 好评:2

    文/于文华 乡村离不了庄稼的支撑。庄稼逃不脱乡村的呵护主仆俩个相扶相携,相依为命,相互牵挂,相互疼爱,谁也离不开谁的照料。 庄...

  • when there was me and you 日期:2013-04-05 15:47:46 点击:3969 好评:27

    when there was me and you when there was me and you It's funny when you find yourself Looking from the outside I'm standing...

  • 生命中的11中感动 日期:2013-04-04 12:42:35 点击:4047 好评:47

    It hurts to love someone and not be loved to return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage...

  • A simple love, love deeply 日期:2013-01-23 13:43:45 点击:3949 好评:46

    Last Thursday, I watched the movie Love comes softly . Love Comes Softly is a 2003 Christian drama television movie , based...

  • 《家乡的素粽》


  • The Spring

    We were waiting for each other but we were missing each other. ...

  • 《FIFA 18》终极防守教学视频 全防守技巧讲解

    《FIFA 18》已经正式发售,新手玩家想要成为高手首先要学习的就是如何防守。防守有哪...

  • 一直手牵着手


  • 乡村疼爱的秋庄稼

    文/于文华 乡村离不了庄稼的支撑。庄稼逃不脱乡村的呵护主仆俩个相扶相携,相依为命,...

  • 倔强秋雨
