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时间:2021-12-04 10:04散文来源: 散文作者: 海明点击:

耶稣,我有话要说。这个世界上没有什么能让我满意,只有你的陪伴。我试过金钱,试过爱情,试过受欢迎,试过出人头地, 甚至试过死亡。但只有你,对我的心耳语,接管我的心,修复它,护理它,治愈它,把它放回我的身体里,这样我才能再次活跃。 只有你,我的主耶稣,知道我的弱点,知道从哪里为我找到力量,让我一直前行。我看不到人生的目的,从小到大到老,吃得再好,穿金戴银, 夸胜于人,却又被人憎恨。除了老去,病痛和生活本身的压力,未来还有什么?终生为短暂的幸福而奋斗。耶稣,我不懂生活,但如果你和我在一起,坐在我身边,同我说话,给我的眼睛带来光明,我就感觉得到有希望,我感到平安。你是我所需要的一切,今生和来世。黄金带来财富,也带来麻烦。在这个世界上,此生没有什么是完美的。只有你,耶稣,当我的手臂失去力量时,你给了我一只新手臂,当我的腿像铅一样沉重时,你给了我一条有力的腿。我累的时候你给我个座椅。当无尽的黑夜编织了一个噩梦网络时,你给了我新的一天。耶稣,除非你住在我心里,否则即使是太阳也不能给我温暖。耶稣,你已经征服了世界,所以我可以拥有一块被称为我的那一片。耶稣,赞美你赞美你,人类的救主。


Jesus, I have something to say. There is nothing in this world that can satisfy me, only your company. I have tried money, love, popularity, success, and even death. But only you, whisper to my heart, take over my heart, repair it, care for it, heal it, put it back in my body, so that I can be thriving again. Only you, my Lord Jesus, know my weaknesses, know where to find strength for me, and keep me moving forward. I don't see the purpose of life, from childhood to adulthood, no matter how good I eat, How much gold and silver to wear, and boast better than others, yet I am hated by others. Apart from old age, aches and pains and the pressure of life itself, what else is there in the future? Strive for short-term happiness throughout tiresome life. Jesus, I don’t understand life, but if you are with me, sit next to me, talk to me, and bring light to my eyes, I feel hope and I feel peace. You are everything I need, this life and the next life. Gold brings wealth and troubles too. In this world, nothing is perfect in this life. Only you, Jesus, when my arm lost strength, you gave me a new arm, and when my leg was as heavy as lead, you gave me a strong leg. You give me a seat when I am tired. When the endless night weaves a nightmare network, you gave me a new day. Jesus, unless you live in my heart, even the sun cannot warm me. Jesus, you have conquered the world, so I can have a piece called my own. Jesus, praise you and praise you, the savior of mankind.

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